Min varukorg

About Our Products

We design our own products. We have been supplying secure energy with innovative back-up power since 1993. We are a Swedish developer and manufacturer of battery backups for the protection & safety sectors, the manufacturing and production industries, and other actors who require the highest energy availability in their safety systems. We guarantee the back-up power of key public functions such as fire alarm systems, access systems, burglary alarms and evacuation alarms.

Digitized product creation

We are proud to be at the forefront of product development using digital tools. We build prototypes of both mechanics and electronics in CAD before we print 3D samples. Using digital tools helps us reduce time to market and increase quality.

Independent Product Testing

As a Swedish manufacturer, we are proud to have our products tested by an independent testing institute. We test most of the products at RiSE, (formerly SP, Statens Provningsanstalt), which also certifies several of them against multiple standards. All products undergo rigorous internal quality control before being placed on the market.

Exceptional Service & Support

Our support staff works closely with our developers. Quality is our guiding principle we feel strongly that when our customers contact us they should be offered the best support we can provide. Since our support department is part of our Research and Development operations, we are able to discover issues and make the needed technical improvements that will benefit all our customers.

Our products are available on almost every continent

Since 1993 our customers choose Swedish battery backup from Milleteknik for the best performance, longest life and highest quality. Milleteknik has delivered battery backup and UPS to customers on almost every continent. We even supply a special product to an air base in Northern Greenland, which is probably the most remote place you will find a product from Milleteknik.

In fact, Antarctica is the only continent we haven’t delivered to, but we’re working on it!

Environment and quality

We take our environmental responsibility seriously and design products with a long lifespan and the least environmental impact. Among other things, we are researching new battery technologies in order to do our part as a Swedish manufacturer to help reduce global climate change. We realize that batteries that contain lead are not a perfect solution in this regard, but the batteries we sell & market are well encapsulated and we are careful that all batteries are turned in for recycling. Milleteknik products should last for a long time and we give 5-year guarantee on many products. We also apply the  knowledge we gain from any complaints we receive. Complaints and comments go directly to our research and development department which is quick to use this knowledge to implement improvements on our products. This benefits not only our customers but also society as a whole. It should be easy to trust Milleteknik.